How to Win the Hongkong Prize and the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize

The hongkong prize is one of the world’s premier writing contests that offers writers the opportunity to win both monetary prizes and showcase their work at an awards ceremony. However, it’s important to remember that any prize comes with associated risks, and you should always read the rules of each contest carefully before submitting an entry. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of winning and minimize the risk of being scammed out of money.

The Hong Kong Prize honours individuals and groups that promote world civilisation and inspire people to build harmonious societies. Previous recipients have included social justice activists fighting for democracy in their home countries, as well as non-profit organisations helping homeless adults. The HK Prize’s logo, featuring both a pearl and jade amulet, symbolises humanity’s ability to prevail under duress.

Founded by the Jockey Club, the Institute of Philanthropy (IoP) aims to advance philanthropic thought leadership together with fellow foundations and philanthropic stakeholders in China and Hong Kong. It acts as a platform to support philanthropic projects that benefit society, and facilitates collaboration between local and overseas partners.

BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize is an independent merit-based award to recognise scientific researchers in Hong Kong who have made groundbreaking discoveries with societal impact. The prize is awarded in four fields: artificial intelligence and robotics, life and health sciences, physical sciences and materials, and advanced manufacturing and FinTech. The prize is worth HK$2 million and is sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited.

In 2022, a team from HKUST received the special award for their study on therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease. The research opened up new possibilities for the development of AD therapies that would be less invasive and safer than current treatments.

The HK Prize encourages young people to follow their passion and develop their potential. Each year, the prize jury selects one outstanding individual or team of students to receive a cash award, as well as a chance to study at any university of their choice in Hong Kong. The student must also complete an internship with a sponsoring company. Moreover, the winner will receive training and networking opportunities to help them realise their full potential. The HK Prize is open to Southeast Asian and mainland Chinese students, as well as international students. The application period starts on March 1 and ends on September 30. Click here to apply!

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